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Weight Loss through Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgical procedures cause weight loss by restricting the quantity of food that the stomach can hold. Bariatric surgery can improve many health problems related to high blood pressure, obesity, unhealthy cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. Surgery also may lead to improved physical function and mood, and better quality of life.Bariatric Surgery uses 3 common techniques

Gastric Bypass

A small stomach pouch is created by dividing the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach. Next, a portion of the small intestine is divided, and the bottom end is brought up and connected to the newly created small stomach pouch and the top is attached to the small intestine further down. Rerouting the food stream produces changes in gut hormones that promote satiety and suppress hunger.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

The Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is done by removing approximately 80 percent of the stomach. The new stomach pouch holds a considerably smaller volume than the normal stomach and helps to significantly reduce the amount of consumed food. The procedure also affects gut hormones responsible for factors including hunger, satiety, and blood sugar control.

Adjustable Gastric Band

The Adjustable Gastric Band technique involves an inflatable band that is placed around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a small stomach pouch above the band. With the smaller stomach pouch, eating just a small amount of food will satisfy hunger and promote the feeling of fullness.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sinha is one of the leading laparoscopic surgeons in the country and endeavours to make laparoscopy equally accessible to everyone who needs it, from all walks of life. He has spent twenty years in the service of medicine and is committed not only to treatment of people but also to their care and holistic well-being.

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